End of campaign but the LifeCenter Foundation continues
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The campaign has been an overwhelming success. Thanks to the help of all our donors and sponsors, we have been able to provide no fewer than 10,000 families in Ukraine with a stove. In addition, eight hospitals run on our generators, so that sick patients do not have to sit in the cold and life-saving operations can continue. Soon our last truck with heaters will leave. Our action 'heaters for Ukraine' will then come to an end.
But the LifeCenter Foundation continues to help Ukraine. The foundation, which has been active in Ukraine for years and runs entirely on volunteers, will receive refugees in the capital Kiev who have lost their homes due to the war. Refugees from, for example, hard-fought Cherson, Kharkov, Bachmut and other cities in the Donbas region.
Sander de Kramer will remain involved with the LifeCenter Foundation as an ambassador.
The donate button of this action page will be taken offline. If you want to support the other good work of the LifeCenter Foundation, go to the website www.life-center.nl. Or click HERE.
On behalf of all Ukrainians helped, we would like to thank you very much for your support! Our donors and sponsors have saved lives. But even more: you have given the stricken war victims of Ukraine a great boost. Heart warming!